
Storytelling & Conflict

“Storytelling and Conflict meet on blank pages. Whereas one would usually think of them as two separate elements, in reality they are not. One cannot live without the other because they represent an eternal clash.  Past, present and future mix. The Quill writes the blood of Conflict and the Gun shoots  facts of Narrative. The result is Art.”

– The Vagrant Bard


Arthur Protasio is the Bard and this is where he reveals his tales and exploits.

As a Bard he tells stories and as someone Vagrant, he manifests his works through various media, be it through essays, short stories, poems, videos, or games.

Given the fact that Arthur is a writer, game researcher, developer, and critic, expect much discussion about games and fictional literature.

If you are interested in Arthur’s resume professional resumé and/or protfolio, click here.

Feel free to attend his arena of conflict and contact him at:

arthur [.] protasio @ gmail [.] com


Arthur Protasio é o Bardo e é aqui que ele revela seus contos e feitos.

Como um Bardo ele conta histórias e como alguém que Vaga, ele manifesta suas obras através de vários meios, seja por ensaios, contos, poesias, videos ou jogos.

Dado o fato de que Arthur é um roteirista/escritor, pesquisador, desenvolvedor e crítico, espere bastante discussão sobre jogos e literatura ficcional.

Se você está procurando o seu currículo e/ou portfolio, clique aqui.

Sinta-se a vontade para frequentar sua arena de conflito e contactá-lo em:

arthur [.] protasio @ gmail [.] com

The Bard is also at / O Bardo também está em:

One response

17 01 2011
LudoBardo: Games e Narrativa « Vagrant Bard

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